On this page: Copyright; Permission; Privacy, Accuracy; Software Acknowledgments
Latest update: Tuesday, 19 September, 2017
The information below covers the following websites:
Adam EDGAR and Mary [UNKNOWN] EDGAR Family
EDGARs in Hillside Cemetery
EDGAR Family Cemetery
Copyright © 2006 - 2017
All materials contained in these pages are copyrighted under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries,
except where credited to another author, source or as specifically exempted. This copyright notice applies (1) to all files
residing on or originating from the parent directory or subdirectories of the file "index.html" or its proxies and (2) to all website
content including text, data, and images. For more information on copyright laws, reference the Library of Congress' Copyright
Permission is given to use the unprotected information on this website provided it is used only for personal, non-profit use; if
used, remember to give credits and references. Commercial or for-profit use of this website material is strictly prohibited for
ANY reason. The password protected information on this website may be reproduced or distributed only with written
For additional information, refer to the National Geographic Society Genealogical Standards: Standards For Sharing
Credit, References, and Sources
We enjoy researching with you. As you study our research, you will notice we are very serious about sourcing our data and
media. If we use a document or photo, we identify the location of the original document and who lead us to the original
document. If we use data from another family tree or from another researchers work, we identify the researcher and his
contact information and the location of his research; if his research is online, we even provide a link to the online tree. Detailed
sourcing is standard practice, not only in genealogical research, but in all research disciplines. Please help us keep our
commitment to those who share their research with us and those we source by sourcing our research and website for all
data and media you copy from our research. In addition, please let us know if you find unsourced data in our research.
All information collected through this website is kept private and is not sold or shared in any way. The website does not use
If you identify information about you or your family that you would like removed from this website, please let us know.
The accuracy of the information is not certified and is subject to change and correction as appropriate. Corrections or
additions for any information on this website are welcome. Please contact us.
Software Acknowledgments
The genealogical data for the this family tree is managed off-line using Reunion for Macintosh. Our family tree is presented on
the Internet using Shutterbug software for building the website and using The Next Generation software for managing the
online database.